Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Calgary Stampede Parade

July 4, 2008

Howdy Partners!

CSSE Executive Director, Wayne Glover, and I attended and participated in the Calgary Stampede Parade. What a wonderful way to highlight the importance of safety, increase public awareness and celebrate a great event with other safety professionals. Here are a few pictures of us at the parade. Thanks for the invite and I know that Art and Wayne would love to be involved again next year.

Safety is an important consideration for the Calgary Stampede – whether it is horse or cattle, health and safety issues to the human aspect. Warren Connell, the Vice President of Operations and Park Development believes that this is an important aspect of the stampede and the parade. He supported his Safety and Environment Staff by having them ride the float and walking in the parade.

Monday, July 21, 2008

World Safety Congress – Seoul Korea

Day 4 – July 2, 2008

On the fourth day of the conference INSPHO hosted a Symposia session from 9 am to 11 am entitled – International Transportability of Safety and Health Practitioners Credentials. The session went well with a variety of perspectives presented – including a Canadian one by yours truly, which was followed with a period of discussion.

Here is a picture of all of us who presented at this session and one of those INSPHO board members who was present at the conference.

The closing ceremonies were as spectacular as the opening ceremonies, with singing, dancing and safety – just my style. Awards were given for the films that were presented – Congratulations to Canadian IAPA which walked away with one of the awards.

Friday, July 18, 2008

World Safety Congress – Seoul Korea

Day 3 – July 1, 2008

HAPPY CANADA DAY from Korea. Some of us Canadians got together for a picture as we celebrated our pride within the country.

I was surprised by some of the comments of some of the people that passed as we took the picture – it did the whole range from "Happy Canada Day" to "I hope you are not the ones that support the use of Asbestos in your country."

I was an invited guest at the INSPHO General Annual Meeting, which took place throughout the morning. INSPHO is the global voice for the occupational safety and health profession and acts as a forum for international collaboration among professional organizations to improve safety and health at work. The Board of Directors is made up of each of the represented member groups and are as follows: Eddie Greer – President of INSPHO (ASSE); Martin Ralph – President elect of INSPHO (IFAP); Jim Allan (CSSE); Paul Faupel (IOSH); Yoosoof Jauhangeer (IOSHM); Neville Rockhouse (NZISM); Phil Lovelock (SIA); Andrew Tan (SISO) and Nikolay Novikov (NACOSH). The meeting approved 3 more full members – KOSHA, COSHA, and . The affiliated member of CSP, has been joined as well by BCRSP. More information can be found from their web page –

The evening ended with a celebration dinner entitled Korean Night with traditional food and cross cultural performances and entertainment again, at the Seoul Race Park Convention Hall.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

World Safety Congress – Seoul Korea

Day 2 – June 30, 2008

It is amazing that even when over 170 different countries and organizations, with translators in various languages, get together to discuss a common subject (health and safety) you hear the same issues and discussion topics around the table time and time again.

After the general session in the morning, the exhibit area opened with ribbon cutting and more traditional drumming. There was Intentional Film and Multimedia Festival that also opened on the Monday. There were a couple of Canadian entries into this – such as IAPA`s new worker orientation and the Danatec WHMIS video created by CalBright Ventures Inc out of Montreal. The afternoon was filled with visiting these sessions and choosing between which of the 16 symposia sessions I wanted to attend.

INSHPO, the International Network of Safety and Health Practioner Organizations of which we are a part, had their Executive Council Meeting during this day and were busy preparing for their Annual General Meeting the following day.

In the evening, there was some time to see local sites and experience some of the culture, as well as visit with Canadian friends at the conference and at the various tour spots.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

World Safety Congress – Seoul Korea

Day 1 – June 29, 2008

The XVIII World Safety Congress on Safety and Health at Work – Global Forum for Prevention – Safety and Health at work: A Societal Responsibility took place in Seoul Korea from June 29 to July 2, 2008. CSSE was very generous in providing me with an honorarium to help cover some of the conference expenses, as I choose to represent the CSSE at many of the functions. On the first day, I attended the welcome reception where I had wonderful traditional drinks and sampled the delicious food.

The opening ceremonies started in the late afternoon with the introduction of the Prime Minister of Korea along with traditional dancing and drum playing. Each of the sponsoring organizations – ISSA, ILO and KOSHA – brought the tone of welcome and of importance to the topics that would be presented over the next three days. We heard of the day’s activities with a health and safety charter being signed by these organizations and many businesses that were invited to a summit on health and safety earlier in the afternoon. If you are interested, you can read the charter on the KOSHA and the ILO websites. Canada was represented around the Table by HRSDC. Many other special meetings occurred during the day such as the Robert W Campbell award Global Alliance meeting and the meeting of the WHO collaborating Centres in Occupational Health.

A welcome reception had wonderful traditional drinks and food for all of us to sample. The reception allowed us some time to catch up with old friends and safety peers, as well as make some new acquaintances. Paul Pascoe was there, as well as all the members of INSHPO, president of IOSH - Ray Hurst and President of ASSE – Warren Brown. I even ran into some of my friends from UAE – Andrew Broderick and Steven Storey.

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Congratulations to...

Peggy Craig of Baycrest Ontario!

Peggy won the CSSE Toronto Chapter draw for a free registration to the Quebec City Conference. Toront Chapter Chair, Peter Sturm, announced that not only is Peggy a regular meeting attendee (7/10 meetings this year), she has also encouraged co-workers and co-op students to attend meetings throughout the year.

Facts & Figures:
o Prize - a Full Conference Plus registration for the CSSE’s Professional Development Conference in Quebec City, September 14-17, 2008. The prize value is over $800, and includes the Monday Evening Event, an evening dinner cruise on the St. Lawrence River
o Draw entries were earned by attending monthly chapter breakfast meetings from September 2007 to June 2008
o Early bird draw was held in January, and Joe Libralesso from J.D. Smith & Sons won registration for the February Education Day ($125 value)
o Over 90 chapter members participated
o Over 200 ballots were earned

Photo: Peter Sturm, Toronto Chapter Chair, Peggy Craig, Baycrest (draw winner) and Ryan Conlin, Stringer Brisbin Humphrey (meeting speaker)

Participation at monthly meetings is important and allows for individuals to converse with their peers and hopefully learn a thing or two.

Thank you to all CSSE members who regularly attend chapter meetings, your support is greatly appreciated! And congrats again Peggy, we wish you an enjoyable time in Quebec City in September.

Friday, June 27, 2008

ASSE Conference - Day 4

I attended some great concurrent sessions, to expand my professional knowledge and to get ideas for our own PDC. On the last day of conference, I spent some time meeting with and saying goodbye to my contacts, friends and peers. It was my last time representing the CSSE as President.

I must admit there was some personal time spent at the conference as well – visiting with safety peers and friends, making new contacts, seeing a show during a night on the town and having a little pool time. Conferences are about learning new information, bringing back tools and skills, making contacts, and re-energizing our own batteries to be able to utilize these things. Another Successful ASSE Conference.

I want to extend a thank you to the ASSE staff, board members, fellows and members, who over this conference and last, have taken time during my Presidency to meet and get to know me, support me and treat me like a real show girl... you all have been truly wonderful and generous during my time as President.