Friday, June 27, 2008

ASSE Conference - Day 4

I attended some great concurrent sessions, to expand my professional knowledge and to get ideas for our own PDC. On the last day of conference, I spent some time meeting with and saying goodbye to my contacts, friends and peers. It was my last time representing the CSSE as President.

I must admit there was some personal time spent at the conference as well – visiting with safety peers and friends, making new contacts, seeing a show during a night on the town and having a little pool time. Conferences are about learning new information, bringing back tools and skills, making contacts, and re-energizing our own batteries to be able to utilize these things. Another Successful ASSE Conference.

I want to extend a thank you to the ASSE staff, board members, fellows and members, who over this conference and last, have taken time during my Presidency to meet and get to know me, support me and treat me like a real show girl... you all have been truly wonderful and generous during my time as President.

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