Monday, June 23, 2008

ASSE Conference - Day 2

Starting with Flare

I was up early to be at my rehearsal at 6:30 am – for my colourful presentation and fraternal greetings at the Conference Opening. Because I was making a grand entrance with showgirl feathers, my rehearsal was kept separate from the others, so as to keep it a surprise to the general population. I have included some pictures and the speaker’s notes, which I only used as a guideline, much to the frustration of the Teleprompters. I believe that it made an impression. If you where there – let me know what you thought.

The afternoon allowed some time to walk the exhibit hall and meet up with peers, associates, and friends. The exhibits are truly amazing – every year I am impressed by the number of exhibits that are available.

Eldeen’s Speaker Notes:

What happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas!
Speaking notes for Eldeen Pozniak – CSSE President
Wow, it is great to be here at the ASSE conference and bring greetings and well wishes for your PDC from the CSSE to you Mr. President, IOSH and other association dignitaries, invited guests, and ASSE delegates.

Of course some of you delegates come to the conference not only for the professional development, networking opportunities and contacts, but for the cultural aspect of the location as well. I have spent some time seeing the sites having come in early and I've managed to catch a couple shows.

Part of the cultural aspect here in Vegas is the motto "What happens in Vegas Stays in Vegas"; I tried to see how that applied to this profession, our respective organizations and this conference.

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On the topic of Networking
Things to Take away from Vegas:
• Contact information from other safety professional from around the globe.

Thing to Stay in Vegas:
• Contact information from “others” that you met in Vegas from around the globe.

The international relationship information related to this next item as well.

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On the topic of Transportability of Credentials
Things to Take away from Vegas:
• Improved skills and international relationship information
The CSSE, along with the ASSE and IOSH all believe that this profession is the best profession and it supports the concepts of professional development within it. Conferences such as this one allow us to expand our knowledge and skills. And that information, those tools, should not be left in Vegas. The CSSE is working with organizations such as ASSE, IOSH, INSHPO to further explore the competencies of the Profession at home, as well as within an international transportability concept.

Things to Stay in Vegas:
• Any package given to you by a stranger in Vegas – you do not want to transport that anywhere.

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On the topic of Relationships and Partnerships
Things to Take away from Vegas:
• Take ideas and working relationships

The CSSE values our cross-border relationship. Networking between organizations is key to our success, as there is a larger voice in numbers. Partnering in initiatives such as NAOSH Week and the Professional Day allow further emphasis and general knowledge throughout North America. Our Canadian NAOSH Week launch this year was in our Capital, Ottawa. We are honoured by the support and participation from our US counterparts and had a wonderful time at the post luncheon at the US Embassy. Andrew Cooper, the NAOSH Week chair in Canada, appreciated his wonderful inclusion at your launch in Washington. These types of initiatives, partnerships and relationship activities come from meetings that we have at conferences such as this. Conversations and ideas – safety and health related - that are generated at formal meetings, within workshops, or over a meal and social event here, should not stay here, but be taken back, worked on and fostered.

Thing to Stay in Vegas:
• Try not to take away any relationships that have started at Wedding Chapel on the Strip.

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On the topic of Professional Development
Things to Take away from Vegas:
• New knowledge and skills learned at the professional development conference.

Thing to Stay in Vegas:
• New knowledge and skills learned at the gambling tables.

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On the topic of Renewed Passion and Re-energization
Things to take away from Vegas:
• The renewed passion and energy that we get from having people with a common interest get together to discuss, share and maybe cut loose a little. We need to refuel our tanks once in awhile and organizations such as CSSE and yours assist with that – giving us information, networking opportunities as well as have our backs when things get rough.

Things to Stay in Vegas:
• Any other passion or 'stuff' that makes you energized that you may have come across here in Vegas.

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The re-energization that we get from being with and supporting each other, needs to be carried with us over the year until we get together again, not Stay in Vegas. The contacts and networks that we create here, should not be forgotten once we leave Vegas, but utilized and celebrated throughout the year.

We need to take it home, to our workplaces, to our communities - the information and skills that we share here - so that we can be the best that we can be in this profession.

I wish you a successful conference.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Morning Eldeen, I've been meaning to e-mail you regarding your presentation but this will do.

I attended the Conference with a few other safety people from my organization. We all found it entertaining and educational - for instance- did you know you could "double up" in Blackjack if you have a pair?

One of the highlights of the Conference was your talk, funny and very refreshing. I think most people around me would agree, it was an absolute delight. Not sure how you'll top that next year but I'm sure it will be entertaining.


Michael Craig, CSP, CRSP, CTech
Director, Safety
Aluma Systems